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GTA San Andreas Skip Any Mission Save Files - Hindi Urdu Gaming

Some fun things to do with this glitch are to turn on "all people hate you" cheat for zombie style survival horror game, or turn up the wanted level for fastest police chases ever.Contributed By: GrayMatter3000 15 1NOS recharge without waiting.Instead of having to wait for the NOS to recharge to use again, exit then enter the car, and you can use the NOS again.Contributed By: dewhashish3579 14 12Pay and Spray 2 cars PS2Go to the pay and spray, then bring one car half way to keep the door from closing and then push it inside with another car. The two cars will be fixed for the price of one.Contributed By: rsniper 14 0pay and spray glitch PS2When you have a wanted level of any number of stars drive your car inside the pay and spray but before the door closes get out of the car. Aim your gun to look ahead and the cops, fbi, even the army will walk right by you even if u attck them while inside the pay and spray they wont see you. To get more cops to enter the area just exit the pay and spray and enter again. When u have grown tired of fighting just enter your car and the pay and spray door will close and then drive away with a clean slate!!!Contributed By: LORD_HOGAN 14 3Refill Nitro PS2Whenever your nitro runs out, leave your vechicle and get back in. Your nitro will be replenished and you won't have to wait two minutes for it to refill.Contributed By: Menji 14 4Reload Instantly PS2When you need to reload quickly press L2 then R2 or vice versa just before CJ runs out of ammo and you will instantly reload. Contributed By: HyperKweer 14 0Restricted areas open for youDuring Woozie's mission "Amphibian Assault", the wanted level system is disabled. You can now travel everywhere in the game including the restricted areas like the Eastern naval base and all police stations without the cops chasing you. This is time to collect the two oysters in the extremely dangerous naval base without being shot.Contributed By: TownRanger 21 20Reveal complete San Andreas map PS2Simply get in a plane or helicopter, at any stage during the game, and fly outside the games boundaries. Once you reach water, fly towards the end of the map and simply keep going for a few minutues, and eventually the whole map of San Andreas is revealed! This is a very helpful glitch to exploit, as it doesn't affect anything negatively and the map will always be revealed; even after the game is saved!Contributed By: Sonic12040 21 3Skip Songs on Radio PS2You can skip songs on the radio. Change to another station, then change back to the station playing the song you hate. As soon as the text at the top of the screen saying the name of the station turns yellow, before the station starts to play, change the station again. Change back to the original station, and it will have skipped whatever song it was playing.Contributed By: Shigmiya64 18 3Stop enemies from attacking your territories PS2At any time (until time runs out and they actually take over) get in either a cop car, firetruck, or ambulance and press R3 to start the secondary mission and then press it again to end the mission. This will make it so the attack has stopped, you keep your territory, and it will have no negative effect on your game (unlike the safe house glitch).Contributed By: Pointblank10528 16 1Stop Rival Gangs from taking your Territories PS2To stop a rival gang from taking your Territories, go to a safe house and save when ever the message "your area is under attack" appears on the screen. This will stop the attack and you get to keep you area. Warning: This may cause permanant negative effects to your game.Contributed By: Smithy_Jones 12 4Super Bike Jump PS2This requires that you are have a gun that can be used while riding a bicycle. Immediately after you release the jump button (L1), tap circle. You should tap and release fast enough so the gun does not actually fire. You can jump over 2 stories high this way if you time it right.Contributed By: vhold 12 1Taking Gang Territory: Fish In A Barrel PS2While trying to take over gang territory, take one of the datable girls with you. Between waves of enemy gang members, if you give your girlfriend a gift or kiss them, the enemy gang members will freeze in place. They won't notice you around them, but if you throw a grenade at them or otherwise threaten them, they'll un-freeze. Grab a rocket launcher or molotov and you can take over territory really easy. Also, this would give you a chance to get the health and armor pickups in the area without being shot at.Contributed By: WhiteRhinoPSO 14 0Tractor Tow Slingshot PS2When using a tractor you can pickup other vehicles by lowering the lift using the R stick, you can use this to super slingshot yourself and a semi truck. First obtain a tractor then lower the lift and back up directly into a semi to tow it. Now start driving and swerve a bit from left to right this for some odd reason will launch your tractor and the semi at ludicrous speeds.Contributed By: DanZeroz 12 0Transfender glitch PS2For this you need to have unlocked the transfender modding service. First find a car that you are willing to give up and can be modded by transfender. Take it to transfender go to the modding screen the press triangle to escape. Then before you do anything get out of the car and leave it there. There will be no traffic but if you get into a car traffic will come back, so to make it so you can get into a car you will need to kill yourself. Then you can get in and out of cars and there will be no traffic.

GTA San Andreas Skip Any Mission Save Files - Hindi urdu Gaming

Gate#2: It's in a corner wall of your safehouse in Vinewood, right by the pool. Just walk into the wall at different spots until you find it.Contributed By: drewpot2001 12 0Weapons other than SMGs w/ two players in a vehicle PS2First, find a two-player icon either around town or a a girlfriend's house. Now if you have a SMG, then waste the ammo for it. Pick a different weapon, like a shotgun or rifle. When the second person gets in the vehicle, input the weapon code that would give you the weapon you have selected. If done correctly, then the second player should be able to shoot whatever weapon was selected. Contributed By: spid16 10 0Wide Screen Mode PS2To do this go to any airport, and book a flight to anywhere. When you see the plane appear on the runway put in the "destroy all vehicles" cheat. You will die, and be sent to the nearest hospital, but the screen will stay wide screen. Ya know black bars at the top, and bottom of the screen. Note:The only way to get out of the wide screen mode is to book another flight, and either jump out of the plane, continue to the other airport, or do a mission. Also you will not be able to see the map, health, or armor bars, weapon, money, wanted lvl. and you cannot pause, or save the game.Contributed By: joker316 9 3Unlockables''Hidden Package'' RewardsCollect all the "hidden packages" in their respective areas to get these weapons...UnlockableHow to UnlockMP5, Satchel Charge, M4, and Combat Shotgun at The Four Dragons Casino in Las VenturasCollect all 50 Horseshoes in Las VenturasSniper Rifle, Grenades, Shotgun, and Micro-SMG at CJ's Garage in San FierroSnap all 50 Snapshots in San FierroTec-9, AK-47, Sawn-off Shotgun, and Molotov Cocktails at CJ's house in GantonSpray all 100 Graffiti Tags in Los SantosContributed By: NixRMax 34 19100% completition BonusUnlockableHow to UnlockDouble strength for any Vehicle The Player Drivescomplete the game 100%Hydra spawns at CJ's house in Grove Streetcomplete the game 100%increased moneycomplete the game 100%increased statscomplete the game 100%Infinite Ammo (Player Will not Running out of ammo when reloading)complete the game 100%Rhino spawns at CJ's house in Grove Streecomplete the game 100%Contributed By: selmiak, abdillah0608 36 26100% Game Completion Bonuses PS2UnlockableHow to UnlockInfinte ammo (Total ammo will raise if you shoot your selected weapon, but will reset back to its original number)100% Game CompletionStats and cash boost. Rhino and Hydra delivered to CJ's house in Grove Street100% Game CompletionContributed By: Quil, DAENF0RCER13 15 250K and Free Train Rides PS2Complete 10 (or level 2) of the freight missions to unlock a free train ride and 50K.UnlockableHow to Unlock50K and train ridescomplete freight MissionsContributed By: hawkair22 9 3AssetsComplete the assets missions/objectives to get money made at that locationUnlockableHow to UnlockAirstrip AssetComplete the Missions for the AirstripBurger Shot AssetComplete all 4 Deliveries in Las VenturasHippy Shopper AssetComplete all 4 Deliveries in San FierroRoboi's Food Mart AssetComplete all 4 Deliveries in Los SantosThe Johnson HouseTake Over Territories in Los SantosVank Hoff Hotel Valet Parking AssetComplete all 5 Levels of Valet Parking in San FierroWang Cars AssetComplete the missions for this asset, plus the cars you steal will spawn inside the showroomZero's RC Shop AssetComplete all of the RC Shop missionsContributed By: NixRMax 38 25Binco Clothing Bonuses XBOXUnlockableHow to Unlock+0 respect, +0 sex appealWear a white t-shirt+0 respect, +0 sex appealWear a LS t-shirt+0 respect, +0 sex appealWear blue jeans+0 respect, +0 sex appealWear sandals+0 respect, +0 sex appealWear sandals and socks+0 respect, +0 sex appealWear flip-flops+0 respect, +0 sex appealWear pink watch+0 respect, +0 sex appealWear yellow watch+0 respect, +0 sex appealWear joke glasses+0 respect, +0 sex appealWear joke mask+0 respect, +0 sex appealWear eyepatch+0 respect, +0 sex appealWear trucker hat+0 respect, +0 sex appealWear cowboy hat+0 respect, +0 sex appealWear leopard cowboy+0 respect, +1 sex appealWear gray pants+1 respect, + sex appealWear black rag (front)+1 respect, +0 sex appealWear beige pants+1 respect, +0 sex appealWear dogtag+1 respect, +0 sex appealWear red rag+1 respect, +0 sex appealWear blue rag+1 respect, +0 sex appealWear black rag+1 respect, +1 sex appealWear black boxers+1 respect, +1 sex appealWear blue low-tops+1 respect, +1 sex appealWear black low-tops+1 respect, +1 sex appealWear africa pendant+1 respect, +1 sex appealWear red rag (back)+1 respect, +1 sex appealWear red rag (front)+1 respect, +1 sex appealWear blue rag (back)+1 respect, +1 sex appealWear blue rag (front)+1 respect, +1 sex appealWear black rag (back)+1 respect, +2 sex appealWear heart boxers+1 respect, +2 sex appealWear cowboy boots+10 respect, +0 sex appealWear a combat jacket+15 respect, +3 sex appealWear a green shirt+15 respect, +5 sex appealWear a green hoody+15 respect, +5 sex appealWear green jeans+15 respect, +7 sex appealWear a eris t-shirt+2 respect, +0 sex appealWear a sharps t-shirt+2 respect, +0 sex appealWear green rag+2 respect, +0 sex appealWear watch cap+2 respect, +1 sex appealWear urban camo+2 respect, +1 sex appealWear hi-top knicks+2 respect, +3 sex appealWear a white tank top+2 respect, +3 sex appealWear a black tank top+3 respect, +0 sex appealWear a checkered shirt+3 respect, +1 sex appealWear green low-tops+3 respect, +1 sex appealWear green rag (front)+3 respect, +2 sex appealWear sweat pants+3 respect, +2 sex appealWear hi-top sneaks+3 respect, +2 sex appealWear green rag (back)+5 respect, +1 sex appealWear olive pants+5 respect, +5 sex appealWear track pants+5 respect, +7 sex appealWear a eris t-shirt 2+5 respect, +9 sex appealWear a track top+6 respect, +1 sex appealWear woodland camo+9 respect, +2 sex appealWear green track pantsContributed By: Catman_Raven 7 3Bonus 1.000.000$Locations are marked with checkered flag. See radar or map.UnlockableHow to Unlock1.000.000$ bonusFinish all races 1st (four locations)Contributed By: xxNIKHARDxx 23 16Buyable weapons at ammu-nationComplete the mission called doberman first to unlock ammu-nation at all san andreasUnlockableHow to Unlock9mmComplete the ''Doberman'' missionAK-47Complete the "Lure" missionBody ArmorComplete The "Doberman" missionCombat ShotgunComplete the ''You've Had Your Chips'' missionCountry RifleComplete the "Body Harvest" missionDesert EagleComplete the ''Black Project'' missionGrenadesComplete the "Doberman" missionM4Complete the "Yay-Ka-Boom-Boom" missionMicro SMGComplete the ''Doberman'' missionMP-5Complete the "Doberman" and "Robbing Uncle Sam" missionPump ShotgunComplete the ''Doberman'' missionSatchel ChargesComplete the ''Against All Odds'' missionSawn-off ShotgunComplete the ''Doberman'' and ''Just Business'' missionSilenced 9mmComplete the ''Doberman'' and ''Gray Imports'' missionSniper RifleComplete the "Pier 69" missionTec-9Complete the ''Doberman'' missionContributed By: abdillah0608 5 1Cars obtained through dating girls PS2Date any of these girls and get your relationship to 50% and you will get the keys to their car.UnlockableHow to UnlockBanditoDate HelenaClubDate MillieGreen hustlerDate DeniseMonster TruckDate MichelleRangerDate BarbaraRomeroDate KatieContributed By: DorcasTheMighty, nocturnized, Menji 12 3Collectibles PS2UnlockableHow to UnlockIncrease LuckFind all 50 Horseshoes in Las VenturasIncrease Lung capacity and Sex AppealFind all 50 OystersSMG, Combat shotgun, M4, and Satchel Charges delivered to Four Dragons CasinoFind all 50 horseshoesContributed By: prford, Smithy_Jones, Skidracer21 12 2Dating Perks PS2UnlockableHow to UnlockFree car respray at Michelle's houseDate MichelleKeep weapons after being bustedDate BarbaraKeep weapons after being wastedDate KatieMolotov Cocktails, Pistol, Flame Thrower and ChainsawDate Helena and the weapons will spawn in the shedContributed By: TetraDragon8, mojojojothegrea, GamerFreak06 14 4Dating Perks XBOXUnlockableHow to UnlockFree car respray at Michelle's houseDate MichelleKeep weapons after being bustedDate BarbaraKeep weapons after being wastedDate KatieContributed By: Catman_Raven 3 6Dual Weildable WeaponsGet these weapons to Hitman to Dual Weild themUnlockableHow to UnlockDual Micro-SMG'sReach the Gun Rank "Hitman"Dual Pistol'sReach the Gun Rank "Hitman"Dual Sawn-off Shotgun'sReach the Gun Rank "Hitman"Dual Tec-9'sReach the Gun Rank "Hitman"Contributed By: NixRMax 24 15Dual wield certain guns XBOXUnlockableHow to UnlockDual Machine PistolsGet to the Hitman rank with the Machine PistolDual PistolsGet to the Hitman rank with the PistolDual Sawed-off ShotgunsGet to the Hitman rank with the Sawed-off ShotgunDual Tec 9'sGet to the Hitman rank with the Tec 9Contributed By: brado 4 0Dual wield weapons PS2UnlockableHow to UnlockDual Machine PistolsReach hitman level with Machine pistolsDual PistolsReach hitman level with pistolsDual Sawed-Off shotgunsReach hitman level with Sawed-Off shotgunsDual Tec 9sReach hitman level with Tec 9sContributed By: emerica 14 2Girlfriend PerksUnlock all restricted zones.UnlockableHow to UnlockFree Pay-and-SprayDate Michelle and you can use her Garage as a Pay-and-SprayKeep weapons after being BustedDate BarbaraKeep weapons after being WastedDate KatiePistol, Chainsaw, Molotov Cocktails, and Flame ThrowerDate Helena(you can find the weapons in a big shed by her house)Police UniformDate Barbara to 100%Contributed By: NixRMax, fox_vd 20 14Girlfriends CarsThese cars are obtained through getting the girfriends to %50...UnlockableHow to UnlockBanditoDate Helena (Her car doesn't have any doors)Green HustlerDate Denise to %50Monster TruckDate Michelle to %50Pink ClubDate Millie to %50Police RangerDate Barbara to %50White RomeroDate Katie to %50Contributed By: NixRMax 23 13Haircut Bonuses XBOXUnlockableHow to Unlock+0 respect, +0 sex appealGet a elvis haircut+0 respect, +0 sex appealGet a pink hair haircut+0 respect, +0 sex appealGet a pink moahwk haircut+0 respect, +15 sex appealGet a blonde haircut+10 respect, +0 sex appealGet a cesar and goatee haircut+10 respect, +0 sex appealGet a red hair haircut+10 respect, +0 sex appealGet a blue hair haircut+10 respect, +0 sex appealGet a gren hair haircut+10 respect, +0 sex appealGet a mohawk and beard haircut+10 respect, +10 sex appealGet a cesar and stash haircut+10 respect, +10 sex appealGet a cesar and beard haircut+10 respect, +15 sex appealGet a blonde mohawk haircut+10 respect, +20 sex appealGet a bald haircut+15 respect, +0 sex appealGet a high afro haircut+15 respect, +10 sex appealGet a afro haircut+15 respect, +10 sex appealGet a bald and goatee haircut+15 respect, +15 sex appealGet a bald and stash haircut+15 respect, +15 sex appealGet a bald and beard haircut+15 respect, +15 sex appealGet a blonde afro haircut+20 respect, +0 sex appealGet a afro and goatee haircut+20 respect, +10 sex appealGet a slope haircut+20 respect, +10 sex appealGet a mohawk haircut+20 respect, +20 sex appealGet a high fade haircut+20 respect, +20 sex appealGet a wedge haircut+20 respect, +5 sex appealGet a afro and stash haircut+20 respect, +5 sex appealGet a afro and beard haircut+25 respect, +25 sex appealGet a flattop haircut+25 respect, +30 sex appealGet a deatil cut haircut+30 respect, +30 sex appealGet a cornrow haircut+30 respect, +30 sex appealGet a blonde cornrow haircut+30 respect, +30 sex appealGet a groove cut haircut+5 respect, +15 sex appealGet a cesar haircut+5 respect, +25 sex appealGet a jheri curl haircutContributed By: Catman_Raven 3 0Heavy Weapons At Toreno's RanchUnlockableHow to UnlockFlamethrowerComplete the "Vertical Bird" missionHeat Seeking Rocket LauncherComplete the "Vertical Bird" MissionRPGComplete the "Vertical Bird" missionVulcan MinigunComplete the "Vertical Bird" missionContributed By: abdillah0608 4 1Infinite sprint PS2Complete "Burglary" by having C.J. steal $10,000 worth of stuff.UnlockableHow to UnlockInfinite SprintComplete "Burglary"Contributed By: glenster 19 1Infinite sprintComplete the Burglary mission by having C.J. steal $10,000 worth of stuff.UnlockableHow to UnlockInfinite SprintComplete the Burglary missionContributed By: glenster 23 15Mission Rewards PS2UnlockableHow to Unlock$1,000,000Get first place in all races at the 4 racing locations across San Andreas (marked with a checkered flag on the map/radar).Entertaining prositutes earns you money (instead of taking it away)Complete level 10 of the pimping missionsFireproof CJComplete all 12 levels of the Firetruck missionsFlamethrower, Minigun, Rocket Launcher, Homing Rocket Launcher delivered to Mike Toreno's cabinBeat all of Mike Toreno's missions.Get Hunter Quarry Asset and Quarry Mission Time-TrialsComplete all 7 Quarry MissionsGet RS Haul as an asset propertyComplete level 8 of the trucking missionsGrove Street Families gang members carry Desert Eagles and SMGsCover all 100 tags in Los SantosIncrease Maximum Health to 150Complete all 12 levels in the Ambulance missionMaximum Armor Boosted to 150Complete level 12 of the vigilante missionsNitro boosts on all Taxis and CabbiesComplete 50 faresSniper Rifle, Micro SMG, Shotgun, and Grenades delivered to San Fierro garage.All 50 Snapshots TakenTec 9, AK47, Sawed-off Shotgun and Molotov delivered to CJ's house in Los SantosCover all 100 tagsContributed By: Anonymous, emerica, InsaneHobo, funkytoad, DrAbysmal, Masamune2-0, lazyslaker 17 1Unlimited ammoUnlockableHow to UnlockUnlimited ammoComplete the g


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